Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Can't get enough kits!

Yay I am so excited... Story of my own kits had an opening for this month so of course, I bought a subscription! They come with a set of stamps every month and look how cute those road trip ones are!! Def. a good value! Since I am moving to Germany, supposely there are no real arts/crafts store. I am hoping redvelvet art will start subscriptions (on their project ones) when I get to Germany and if I have enough money, i am so on it.
The good thing about being in the military is hardly any bills-my car, insurance for my Billy's car, phone/internet bill and a credit card bill... besides groceries that is not a lot when you add it up. But I would rather him not be in it because then I would have seen him these past 8 months!! :(
I do have a shopping problem-with scrapbooking stuff and lately, also books (it used to be CDs). I really want to travel so I hope because I want to travel and buy scrap stuff I do not get us in trouble.
Oh and I finished, "The Memory Keeper's Daughter," it was pretty good... i recommend it. I am not sure if I should start reading another book. I gotta finishing packing (maybe only two more boxes of stuff) and if i start reading... luckily, my scrapbook stuff is packed away so that is one less distraction.

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