Tuesday, April 15, 2008

GOALS completed!

So many goals and so many left uncomplete. Well instead of thinking of all the "to do's" in life, I am going to think of the things I am proud I have done or have become in my life:
1. Got my Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts (next up-a Bachelors, yay!)
2. Got married to the most wonderful husband ever!
3. Got to see Smashing Pumpkins live- a lifelong dream.
4. Went to a Pink Floyd Laser Light Show!
5. Discovered a book that touched me so much it changed my life ("the perks of being a wallflower").
6. Became an aunt to the most beautiful little girl ever (who is a little person and has opened my eyes to new things) and then came, another beautiful little girl whom I have yet to meet!
7. Lived overseas in Germany-an experience I am grateful for.
8. Traveled around the US and Mexico!!
10. Have collected my own personal library of books (over 300) and music (over 500) and still going.
11. Improved drastically on scrapbooking (so i feel).
12. Read the entire bible!
13. Seen a lot of great bands live!

Next goals:
1. Become a teacher
2. Become a great mother
3. Continue to please husband
4. Learn new recipies (done a few lately!)
5. Read a lot MORE books, some banned ones!
6. Study the bible some more and become closer with God. Also gaining knowledge theologically, outside of the church (which i have done some, as well).
7. Discover more music overtime.
8. See one or more of these bands/artists live: Unwritten Law, Smile Empty Soul, Britney Spears, Ashlee Simpson, Mariah Carey, Scorpions...

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