Friday, November 30, 2007

My Favorites

This is a hard choice but i was challenged to make a list of my top 10 favorite scrapbookers and decided i would post it here (in no order):

Elsie Flannigan
Amber Ulmer
Christina Padilla
Shelly Brewer
Unicorn 1(Scrapjazz)
Jen Erickson (Scrapjazz)
Theresa Marjie Jasper (story of my own DT)
Heather Burch (poppy ink)
Jessica Fulkerson ("we dare you," the book)
Kristina Contes
.... i am sure i probably had other ones i really liked but could not think of... not to say the ones i listed were not ga-reat!

Sunday, November 25, 2007


I just finished reading "Me & Emma" by Elizabeth Flock and I have to say I highly recommend it. You will not expect the ending!!
Also, my scrapbook room is set up but my digital camera is messed up so pictures will have to wait and new layouts!!
Have a great day!